“It is not that hard to train the sea lions” say the trainers of these marine mammals. The Colombo zoo received Karl only 2 years ago when he was only 1 year old, but he learned the tricks very fast, according to the trainers. The Aquarium has 2 master trainers to look after these sea lions. Both Karl and Chakku like the company of their trainers and they also get little fish as a tip after every performance. Their favourite diet includes hurulla, salaya and cuttlefish. Both of them wait until 4.00 pm in the evening to perform at the special arena near the entrance to the Aquarium.
Chakku is the elder of the two who is now 9 years old. The Colombo Zoo received Chakku from Japan and Karl from Krefeld Zoo in Germany. But sea lions are not found either in Europe or Asia, naturally. Both Karl and Chakku belong to a species called Californian sea lions and as the name suggests, are found in numbers off the coast of California of the United States of America. But their actual range is far more extensive. They inhabit areas from Vancouver Island, British Columbia in the North, to Mexico in the South in the sea around the American continent. An adult sea lion male can be as heavy as 1,000 lbs and 7 feet in length. However, the female does not grow that big and an adult female can at average be 350 lbs in weight and 6 feet in length. Unlike some marine mammals such as whales and dolphins, the sea lions share their life between water and land. They generally haul out of the water to mate, rest, give birth and moult. California sea lions are also very social animals, and large groups often rest closely placed together in their favourite hauling sites. They are also vociferous communicators making ‘bark’ type noises. A colony of a sea lions in the wild can be so noisy -- you would call it as noisy as malu kade if described in purely Sinhala terms.
Lions in Navy
The name “Sea Lion” in fact would have been derived from the little mane developed in the mature males. Though the mane or the coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal’s neck is not as big as that of an African lion’s, it would be enough to win the hearts of the female sea lions in the wild. Males also grow a large crest of bone on the top of their heads as they reach sexual maturity, and it is this that gives the animal its generic name Zalophus californianus (za-emphaticloph-forehead) meaning Californian big-head.
The Californian sea lions are also trained by the US Navy for underwater surveillance. Sea Lions are indeed very intelligent marine mammals and have already been trained to detect underwater landmines, for ship and harbour protection -- and underwater equipment recovery. These trained sea lion comrades can be highly use
Life of the Lions of the Sea
During the breeding season, California sea lions gather in traditional sites known as rookeries. As per the Sea World institute which had documented much information about the sea lions, at the onset of the breeding season, male California sea lions start establishing breeding territories. Once territories are established, males patrol their boundaries and ‘bark’ when necessary to maintain and defend them.
An intruding male evokes an immediate response from the resident male, who struggles violently to displace the intruder. But they also patrol the aquatic borders of their territories by swimming along the territories’ edges. During the breeding season, adult males fast when defending their territories. Pups are born on land and it is observed that most California sea lion pups are born in June. Recent research revealed that the mother sea lion has the ability to delay the development of the embryo until the conditions become favourable. Delayed implantation assures that the pup will be born when environmental conditions are optimal for its survival. However, females ge
Sea Lion Show
The sea lion show is performed every day at a special arena near the entrance to the Aquarium. Have a look at how Chakku and Karl perform on your next visit to the zoo..!! But please pay attention that your cousins of the wild enjoy their freedom ; they who were born in captivity have sacrificed their freedom to entertain you. So be mindful that some of your behaviour can be harmful to these curious animals. Oshin - the partner of Chakku brought from Japan died few years back and a number of coins thrown by ignorant visitors were found in its stomach. So never throw anything to the pool of water where these sea lions perform daily, but enjoy their performances. Also take home the message that Chakku and Karl are trying to convey - “Protect Oceans of Life, so that many species like us get the chance to survive..!!”
Published on LakbimaNews on 20.06.2010 http://www.lakbimanews.lk/archvi/lakbimanews_10_06_20/mag/mag5.htm
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